Press releases

11th Transparency School held virtually



Published august 16, 2020

This week, from the 17th to the 22nd of August, 130 youth leaders from more than 60 countries around the world will participate in the 11th edition of Transparency International School on Integrity. The largest event of its kind in the world, the School has gathered more than 1200 participants throughout the last ten years. This year the School is held virtually.

This year, the School is dedicated to COVID-19 related issues. During the six-day-long School, young people will attend intensive anti-corruption training in which they will learn more about the causes and different faces of corruption. Together with lecturers, they will discuss ways how to seek greater transparency and how to curb corruption in their daily lives. The School focuses on the newest anti-corruption trends and creative ways to help anti-corruption champions create change in their respective communities. .

The participants will  spend the week learning from  well-established anti-corruption and transparency experts from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, the Republic of South Africa, the UK, Ukraine, and the US.

The School is organized by Transparency International Lithuania  in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.

This year several partners contributed to the organization of the School: The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, United States Department of Commerce, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Transparency International Secretariat together with German Federal Foreign Office.

More about the School:

The programme of the School:

The map of the School:

More information: Ieva Kimontaitė,

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Political integrity
Public finance transparency
Business integrity
Media transparency
Anti-corruption education
Participatory budgeting
Transparency School