Transparency School

14th Transparency School in Vilnius



Published july 28, 2023

This week, from 26-30 June, Vilnius will host 14th Transparency International School on Integrity, bringing together 110 youth leaders, academics and experts from nearly 50 countries. It is the largest event of its kind in the world and has already attracted more than 1,700 alumni since its launch.

“I am delighted that after three years of virtual operation, Vilnius is once again becoming the transparency capital of the world for one week. This year’s school will pay special attention to tackling grand corruption, covering topics such as corruption in the defence sector, prevention of money laundering, fraud in sport and more. Together, we will look for new tools and ways to effectively create change in the field of transparency and anti-corruption, based on real stories of participants and experts, insights from behavioural sciences and the world of art,” said Ingrida Kalinauskienė, interim CEO of Transparency International Lithuania.

During the week-long school, participants will attend an intensive anti-corruption course, where they will learn how to manage corruption risks, develop and implement transparency standards in their own organisations, and how to involve citizens in reducing corruption in their countries. Particular emphasis will be placed on practical skills training, sharing of experiences, and discussions on how to enable innovation and new technologies to promote better and more informed decision-making.

Top anti-corruption and transparency experts from Brazil, China, Colombia, Germany, Colombia, Anti-Corruption and Transparency experts from Colombia, Poland, Mexico, Germany, Nigeria, the Netherlands, South Africa, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, Venezuela and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be sharing their experiences with participants.

The Transparency School is organised by Transparency International Lithuania in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University. This year it will be held at the National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts.

This year, the Open Government Partnership, the Taiwan Foundation for Strengthening Democracy, and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights have contributed to the organisation of the school.

For more information about the school:


A map of the countries from which the Transparency School participants come is available here.

For more information: Ingrida Kalinauskienė,

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Transparency School