

The fight against bribery – a task for the heads of institutions as well

august 14, 2017

„Not only the ministry, but the supervisor of every medical institution must take action in order to decrease the scale of bribery,“ Lina Mačiulė said during ...

Change needs a will

august 10, 2017

„Half a year has passed since Rasa Kazėnienė reported certain abuse at the interrogation insulator of Kaunas. However, we can see that the problems are not be...

People will report only if they feel safe

august 04, 2017

„It‘s great that we can agree on the need for a law protecting whistleblowers and in autumn we will witness the start of the receipt lottery which will help s...

Editorial independence – the essence of the action

august 02, 2017

„The fact that a person affiliated with a political party will own a media outlet is not something new in Lithuania,“ Rugilė Trumpytė stated in an interview w...

How will we measure the success of the receipt lottery?

august 01, 2017

“Although receipt lotteries work in other countries, it is crucial not to simply adopt an idea, but to first determine by which criteria we will evaluate the ...

To what extent do politicians follow the code of ethics

july 31, 2017

„The fact that the member of the parlement is pushing for legislative changes in which he might have personal interest is insulting,“ Rugilė Trumpytė told „LN...

Let‘s open up the data of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers

july 27, 2017

„I would like to see all the data of  State Enterprise Centre of Registers open for the public, so that we would be able to know what belongs to which company...

Let‘s create only the measured expectations

july 26, 2017

„Hot lines“ work in most govenmental institutions, however, in my eyes, it‘s a huge mess, they don‘t serve their purpose and end up creating unmeasured expect...