

Schools for Integrity

december 11, 2014

In order to commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day, on 9th December over 1500 pupils around Lithuania promised not to cheat at schools and o...

Accountability standards for state-owned enterprises

october 09, 2014

According to Jermyn Brooks, who is a member of TI board, it is crucial to understand that similar governance principles apply to all organizations. Bot...
Naujienų archyvas

How successful was the Greek Presidency?

september 24, 2014

How much did the Greek Presidency of the EU do to fight corruption? Transparency International finds that while Greece gave the issue a high profile ov...
Naujienų archyvas

Transparency School

july 06, 2014

On 7-13 July some 130 future leaders from 60 countries will gather in Vilnius, Lithuania at the fifth global Transparency International School on Integ...
Naujienų archyvas

EP candidates sign Anti-corruption pledge

may 23, 2014

More than 500 candidates for the European Parliament elections have committed to greater transparency in drafting legislation and dealing with interest...
Naujienų archyvas

Helping prepare for elections with MANOBALSAS.LT

may 02, 2014 shows you the declared values of each candidate for the President of Lithuania and indicates who thinks more like you do about economics,...
Naujienų archyvas

EU institutions are vulnerable to corruption

april 25, 2014

EU institutions are vulnerable to corruption due to loopholes and poor enforcement of rules on ethics, transparency and financial control. This is one ...
Naujienų archyvas

Anti-corruption assessment of Lithuanian EU Presidency

march 31, 2014

Under the Lithuanian Presidency, national governments as part of the EU Council failed to make progress on important anti-corruption issues in two area...