Political integrity
Political integrity
Press releases
Lithuania does not open data on beneficial owners, looks worse than neighbouring countries
november 26, 2019
A study conducted by Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter (TI Lithuania) and partners shows that the “Center of Registers” data on ultimate owners of...
Political integrity
Press releases
Vilnius ranks amongst the most accountable capital cities
september 19, 2019
Vilnius, Tallinn, Madrid, Prague, Pristina, and Kyiv provide the best access to information about their cities to their citizens, according to a study conduct...
Political integrity
Press releases
Lithuanian parliamentarians declared fewer meetings in spring 2019
september 12, 2019
During the spring 2019 Parliamentary session, the number of Lithuanian MPs who declared their meetings with interest groups and lobbyists decreased by a quart...
Political integrity
Press releases
In the last 2 years, the number of parliamentarians who declare their meetings with interest groups or lobbyists has doubled
march 06, 2019
In the last 2 years, the number of Lithuanian MPs who declare with which interest groups or lobbyists they meet has doubled. Last year, parliamentarians also ...
Political integrity
Press releases
Lithuanian municipalities became more transparent
january 16, 2019
Lithuanian municipalities have become more transparent since 2014. A 2018 study conducted by the Lithuanian chapter of Transparency International (TI) conclud...
Political integrity
Press releases
More than half of the parliamentarians declare their meetings during work hours
september 18, 2018
During the regular spring session of 2018, more than half (75) Lithuanian MPs made declarations regarding their meetings with interest groups and registered l...
Political integrity
Press releases
The number of parliamentarians declaring their meetings during work hours increased by one third
may 05, 2018
During the regular autumn session, the number of declarations made by members of Lithuanian Parliament (the Seimas) regarding their meetings with interest gro...
Political integrity
Press releases
Last year 4 out of 10 executives of state and municipality-owned enterprises were connected to political parties
march 01, 2018
In 2017, 4 out of 10 executives of state and municipality-owned enterprises were connected to political parties, mostly to social democrats, liberals and cons...