Press releases

Political integrity

Press releases

Vilnius ranks amongst the most accountable capital cities

september 19, 2019

Vilnius, Tallinn, Madrid, Prague, Pristina, and Kyiv provide the best access to information about their cities to their citizens, according to a study conduct...
Political integrity

Press releases

Lithuanian parliamentarians declared fewer meetings in spring 2019

september 12, 2019

During the spring 2019 Parliamentary session, the number of Lithuanian MPs who declared their meetings with interest groups and lobbyists decreased by a quart...
Press releases

The 10th Transparency International School starts in Vilnius

july 08, 2019

This week, from the 8th to the 14th of July, 140 youth leaders from more than 60 countries around the world will participate in the 10th edition of Transparen...
Press releases

Anti-corruption education

TI Lithuania: Integrity pledges and discussions promote academic integrity

june 05, 2019

After discussions about academic integrity, students tend to cheat less, shows Transparency International Lithuania initiative carried out in eight schools in...
Press releases

Anti-corruption education

Direct democracy in schools increases transparency

may 15, 2019

Participatory budgeting initiatives lead to greater transparency in schools. Students asked to decide on how to spend their school’s budget know how to get in...
Political integrity

Press releases

In the last 2 years, the number of parliamentarians who declare their meetings with interest groups or lobbyists has doubled

march 06, 2019

In the last 2 years, the number of Lithuanian MPs who declare with which interest groups or lobbyists they meet has doubled. Last year, parliamentarians also ...
Press releases

Media transparency

Every second municipality bought from media related to politicians

march 04, 2019

Since 2015 Lithuanian municipalities spent one third (2 million euros) of their publicity budgets to media outlets related to politicians. Media linked to...
Press releases

Corruption Perceptions Index

january 30, 2019

In the most recent Transparency International (TI) global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2018, Lithuania yet again received a score of 59 on a 100-point s...