
Political integrity


Open cities. More transparency. More accountability. More convenience

february 08, 2016

The concept of Open City is an implementation of the open governance principle applied in cities, allowing city tenants to easily access actual information re...
Public finance transparency

Press releases

NGO representatives: state support for NGOs often lacks transparency

january 20, 2016

One third of NGOs in Lithuania claim that state support to the third sector lacks transparency, representative survey of the NGO representatives commissione...
Political integrity


Whistleblower protection

november 11, 2015

Since 2009, Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter has been actively involved in the area of whistleblower protection. TI Lithuania advocates for str...
Political integrity


TI Lithuania's regional activity

october 21, 2015

City Transparency Camps ('Miesto Skaidrumo Dirbtuvės') City Transparency Camps – a series of events that encourage all participants, not just invited speak...
Political integrity


Transparency line

october 21, 2015

The purpose of the website is to create opportunities to report suspected cases of bureaucratism and corruption. If you have pers...
Political integrity


National integrity study

october 20, 2015

The National Integrity Study includes the most important government institutions that are responsible for the fight against corruption. If these institution...