Naujienų archyvas

TILS project “Establishment of Anticorruption Coalition in Lithuania” was presented in the Lithuanian Radio programme “Kitas kelias”.



Published april 28, 2003

Discussion was about the goals of coalition and study visit to Poland. Laima Zilinskiene, director of TILS, Andrejus Piliavecas, director of Centre for Crime Prevention in Lithuania, Akvile Andruliene, assistant of director of Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights and Aneta Piasecka, expert of Lithuanian Free Market Institute participated in the discussion.

The task of the project “Establishment of Anticorruption Coalition in Lithuania” is to establish the successful coalition, which would initiate and implement anticorruption initiatives effectively.

Four organizations agreed on the participation in the coalition. It is “Transparency International” Lithuanian Chapter (the coordinator of the project), Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights, Lithuanian Free Market Institute and Centre for Crime Prevention in Lithuania

The project is supported by The Baltic-American Partnership program.

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