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Kvietimas teikti paraiškas metodologijai ES prezidentavimo vertinimui parengti



Paskelbta spalio 09, 2013

Įgyvendindamas Europos Komisijos finansuojamą projektą „Prezidentavimas Europos Sąjungai: kova su korupcija“, „Transparency International“ Lietuvos skyrius kviečia individualius tyrėjus ir tyrimo institucijas, turinčias patirties sociologijos ir viešosios politikos srityje, dalyvauti konkurse vertinimo metodologijai (angl. – scorecard) parengti. Metodologija bus skirta vertinti valstybių narių prezidentavimą ES Tarybai pagal kvietime išdėstytus kriterijus. Detalesnė informacija ir kvietimo sąlygos – žemiau. Pasiūlymus prašome pateikti iki 2013 m. spalio 23 d. anglų kalba elektroniniu paštu arba registruotu laišku.

Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter

Didzioji str. 5-402, Vilnius





In the framework of the implementation of the project “Engaging the EU Presidency in the Fight Against Corruption”, (HOME/2011/ISEC/AG/FINEC/4000003852), Transparency International Lithuanian chapter is calling for offers from individual experts or research institutions with a background in sociology and politics to develop the methodology for a scorecard that will aim to evaluate the presidency of the Council of the European Union on the set of categories outlined below. Experience in working on EU, criminology and corruption related issues will be considered as merits. Therefore, TI Lithuania will subcontract an external researcher with expertise in these fields and/or a proven track record.

The object of the procurement:

Creation of the methodology for a scorecard that will aim to evaluate the EU presidency based on the provided pillars (see below). The envisaged scope of the scorecard is a maximum four pages which would allow for distribution of project findings in leaflet form. The scorecard should enable TI to present information in a clear and concise format that remains accessible to stakeholders without detailed EU knowledge.  

Description of the service to be provided:

1) The subcontracted expert/ research institution will be responsible to set the indicators, categories, sub-categories, system of evaluation and descriptions of the indicators that would allow to evaluate EU presidency in four pillars agreed by the project board:

I. Evaluation of the process of preparation for the presidency: selection of priorities, consultation, access to information etc.

II. Evaluation of how much attention is paid to particular anti-corruption pillars: how the Country deals with particular issues (i.e. in Presidency programme)

III. Evaluation of how the presiding country conducts their Presidency (how open and inclusive it is)

IV. Evaluation of progress in particular corruption-related topics made in the Council during the presidency term

2) The subcontracted expert/ research institution will produce the methodology for a pilot scorecard which will be used to assess the performance of the Presidency of the Council of the EU on a set of anti-corruption topics. The specific topics under pillar IV will vary for each Presidency, so the scorecard should be adaptable and the topics exchangeable while the structure of the scorecard remains. For example, for the Lithuanian Presidency the topics agreed by the project board could be:

· Financing of European Political Parties

· Public Procurement Directives

· 3rd Anti-money laundering directive

· Directive on protection of EU financial interests

·  Non-financial reporting directive

· Association and Trade Agreements

3) The subcontracted expert/ research institution will have to prepare guidelines to describe how to correctly populate the scorecard according to the  methodology that will be produced, how to compare the results while being mindful that, above all, the scorecard should be a user-friendly tool that ensures wide uptake by relevant (traditional and social) media outlets.

This procurement is not to be divided into separate contracts. Offers are expected to provide a cost estimate including the timetable, daily rates and total expected expenses. The maximum budget for the development of the scorecard methodology is € 3.000 (including VAT).

This task will require technical knowledge about the EU institutions and EU policy making and NGO activities at the EU level.

The offers have to include:

– the cost estimate (as detailed above in this offer);

– CVs outlining the experience and knowledge of the staff that will conduct the research/the individual researcher;

– samples of previous and comparable work;

– in cases of research institutions – the organisational structure of the company.

Individual experts and research institutions shall be excluded from this call if they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity. Furthermore, offers shall not be considered if they misrepresent the information required by Transparency International Lithuania or fail to supply such information

The start and end dates of the contract: October 25, 2103 – November 12, 2013

Payment arrangements: The payment will be provided upon receipt of the invoice and approval of the Scorecard methodology by the project board.

In case you are interested in procuring the abovementioned service following these conditions, please submit an offer by October 23, 2013.

In order to ensure best value for money, all offers received will be assessed on the criteria outlined below.

Criteria description

Maximum Points

Relevance of offer to procurement objective


Demonstrated experience in related fields, monitoring and evaluation


Value for money (ratio of the price estimate versus the quality of the offer)


Total  points


Offers should be sent in English by courier to:

Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter

Didzioji str. 5-402, Vilnius


or by e-mail to Ruta Mrazauskaite and Jonny Koerner no later than October 23, 2013.

Additional questions and requests for clarifications should be addressed to and

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