

Paskelbta gruodžio 11, 2017

Students from “Integrity School network” will create their flags of transparency.

This week, on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, students from more than 80 schools will create their own flags of transparency and hereby discuss the values ​​of the school community. The schools participating in the initiative are members of the “Integrity School network”, which unites every seventh Lithuanian school. The network has grown and now joins 160 educational institutions from 93 localities in Lithuania.

„Students create flags revealing their own understanding of transparency by answering three questions about transparency and fairness at school – different colors and symbols will reflect their choices. I believe that this joint activity will stimulate active discussion of values for students. I am glad that the “Integrity School network” is growing every year, and the members of this community are actively looking for new ways to promote transparency in their environment, „said Ingrida Palaimaitė, coordinator of this network.

‘‘Integrity School network“ is an informal initiative that was launched on the 9th December 2014. Every Lithuanian school that promotes values such as integrity and transparency can join the initiative. During the period of three years, the network has grown nearly threefold: in December of 2014 50 schools joined the initiative compared to 133 schools today. The aim of the network is to help schools to share good examples and implement the integrity and transparency initiatives easier.

The „Integrity School network“ is being developed with the help of the Secretariat of the „Transparency International“, French Institute in Lithuania and the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Lithuania.

You can see the map of schools that have joined the initiative here. You can find more information about the initiative here.

You can find a short film about the flags of transparency that we created for the first time at the Transparency School on Integrity here (in English).

You can read the rules of the „Flags of Transparency “ initiative here.

More information: Ingrida Palaimaitė, ingrida@transparency.lt, +370 683 17320

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